sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Sug: Um diálogo:

======== Epilogue transcript; ========

B: So... he was the one who hurt you, right? Not me.

R: He broke into the tower to attack you and wound up attacking me, too.

B: I can't believe I ate meat. I acted like a jerk, I'm sorry.

R: You weren't yourself.

B: Cyborg says the chemicals at the lab messed with my DNA unleashed something... primal.

R: And he gave you an antidote, you're better now.

B: Yeah, but that thing... that beast, it came from inside me... and it's still there. I can feel it.

R: Good.
If it wasn't for that beast, I might not be here right now. Having that thing inside doesn't make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man.

B: Hum, maybe you should call me Beastman from now on.

R: We're having a moment here, don't ruin it.

B: Beastdude?

R: Oh.

Algo o aflige, gafanhoto?

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